
9 ways to get your journaling done on your layout

If you have been reading my blog for a while, you would know that I never plan my layouts and just go "with the flow"... which works sometimes and other times, I'm left with the awkward situation of having no "place" to add my journaling. Fortunately, I'm resourceful (no humility here..hahaha) and have learnt to circumvent those situations. Here are some of my fave ways to get my journaling on a layout.

Cheeky kids
1. Add a journaling block under your photo.

Sometimes the background is just too busy for visible journaling so add a journaling block under your photo. It looks like part of the photo mat but now you know that I slipped it in at the end for my journaling. (Shhh...don't tell on me.*winks*)

Not sure why I like to collect note cards (I have a gazillion!) but every now and then, I take one out to use for journaling on my layout. The size of the notecard does dictate how much journaling actually gets written but I like practising my summary writing skills when I journal so it's usually succinct. *winks*

The challenge to not get my hands "dirty"

3.. Write on strips of paper.

This is great option if your background paper is textured. Also a fabulous way to use up little strips of paper you have in your stash.

The Gangster Gang in cool sunnies
4. Write directly on the layout.

I know most people fear "ruining" a layout with their journaling written directly on the layout...but just try it...you can always cover up with patterned paper if you think it looks terrible (I used to do that a lot). 

Guess who I met at Typo?
5. Make it look like part of your cluster design.

This was me trying to be "clever" and making the journaling look like it's part of the whole layout design...did it work???

Feeding the big baby

6. Journal on a fish tail.

This is a great way to incorporate your journaling through a design element. The fact that the fish tail design element is repeated throughout the whole layout makes everything cohesive.

When Murphy's Law came into play

7. Journal directly on the photos.

This can done by writing directly on the photos or even using stickers to help tell your story. If you don't already know. This is my fave way to journal. I use a white acrylic paint marker...it works way better than a white gel pen.

The one about Frankenmouse

8. Try some speech bubbles.

A fun way to ad journaling to your layout is through speech bubbles.

An awesome day

9. Do it all over the layout.

This one combines #4, #5 and #7 on one layout...great if you have a lot to journal.

There you have it...9 ways to get your journaling done on your layout. Did you know prior to this that I always just try to "fit in my journaling" somewhere on my layout right at the end of creating my layout??? *LOL*


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1 Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

These are all awesome ideas!!! I struggle with this one each time!!!!!!

2 StirYourCreativity said...

Cool ideas! I like all your ideas of working in different ways for a project

3 Sharon Fritchman said...

I love all of these ideas, Yvonne! To me, journaling is one of the most important things about scrapbooking!! Thanks for sharing!

4 Lisa said...

I love your creative journaling!! It always looks amazing on your projects!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

5 Cindy deRosier said...

Great tips! I have to find a location for journaling fairly often too. BTW, I don't think I've never heard that banner shape called a fish tail. I bet within a few days I'll see at least two other people refer to it that way. Isn't it weird the way that happens?

6 Lynn said...

I am super impressed by your ability to incorporate words onto your finished layouts. The only one of your clever techniques I sort of use a lot are speech bubbles. I am going to make a list of your ideas for future reference...thanks!

7 Radhika said...

Love your ideas of journalism on layouts. . Thanks for sharing quick tips ..am gonna use these ideas for making some.. :)

8 Audrey Pettit said...

You always have such awesome tips! Great ideas here, and as always, such fabulous layouts. You make everything so seamless.... I never guessed you try to find a spot for your journaling way at the end!

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Cheers, Yvonne.

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